Parish Computer System
OmniData Corporation OmniData
is a Microsoft Solution Provider and Software Developer
that has specialized in Parish and Parish School Software.
At the request of His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony,
Archbishop of Los Angeles, OmniData has developed
a comprehensive software program for parishes. PCS
- Parish Computer System - was developed under the
guidance of His Excellency Thomas Curry, Bishop of
the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region. The resultant product,
PCS, is specifically tailored to parish criteria.
It is now used in over 100 parishes and Catholic schools
throughout the Archdiocese. Additionally, OmniData
is the official provider/developer of the PCS software
for the Diocese of San Diego.
Parish Computer System (PCS) by OmniData is a comprehensive
softwa re program specifically designed for parish
staff, and volunteers, with all the tools for complete
parish management. PCS is a fully integrated, multi-user
open system "customizable" to meet the individual
needs of each parish. Based on Microsoft Office 2000
technology, PCS is truly a user friendly, "one
stop shopping" system.
PCS is the NEXT Generation of Parish Software.
PCS enables full utilization of the Internet by allowing
data to be published to a parish's own PCS designed
custom Web site. Publish general parish information,
parishioner data, contribution statements, parish
schedules, ministry schedules, parish school homework,
fees, and volunteer activity.
Parishioners view via the Web Site; census data, contribution
statements, parish schedules, ministry schedules,
parish school homework, fees, and volunteer activity.
Parishioners Update parish census data, register for
parish events, new parishioners registration.
A single parish database for all parish activities
and organizations.