We are pleased to invite you to meet Mr. Larry McGovern who will make a presentation on the many practical applications of parish computer system, the most succcessful parish management software system in Southern California

Come , learn and ask questions from this dedicated parishioner of St Jude , Thousand Oaks California who have helped many pastors and administrators and work closely with bishops in helping parishes with technology use in evangelization and to help raise productivity, reduce costs and improve donations.Click Here


Learn how parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, San Diego and Sta. Barbara have improved their workflow!

At this FREE event, you will have opportunity to ask questions throughtout the presentation. All attendies will also receive a FREE demo CD; a highly informative component for any pastors or parish manager!

This dedicated parishioner of St Jude, Thousand Oaks California who have helped many pastors and administrato
rs and work closely with bishops in helping parishes with technology use in evangelization and to  help raise productivity, reduce costs and improve donations.

At the request of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, OmniData has developed a comprehensive software  program for parishes knows as PARISH COMPUTER SYSTEM  OmniData's PCS web publishi
ng technology also provides catholic  parishes and schools the ability to publish information to the web directly  from an MS Access Database. OmniData has used this technology to  help parishes make available to parishioners and parish school families,  information direct from their databases. Among the many new features,  the new credit card module to facilitate credit card donations and email  module for email communications was recently launched.

"A new innovative software that
specifically designed for
Catholic Parishes
and the Parochial School "

Why PCS is simply the BEST

PCS Parish Computer System is the "Next Generation" of parish software:

  • Parish Census
  • Parishioner Contributions Pledges Fees & Volunteer Activity
  • Parish Councils
  • Parish Ministries & Ministry Scheduling
  • Sacraments & Print Certificates
  • Education Parish &“ School
  • Parish Distribution Lists
  • Parish Assistance Volunteer Management
  • Photos of parishioners
  • Document Imaging
  • Reports & Custom Reports
  • Web Interface
  • Full Security (multi level, multi user)
  • Credit Card Processing of Contributions
  • Mail Merge E-Mail & Reports Statements
  • Facilities Scheduler
  • Stewardship Capital Campaigns
Simple & Powerful

Omnidata developed the PCS specifically for the Catholic church in America and it has been successfully used in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Diego Regions.

PCS utilizes the awesome power of Microsoft Office Pro to manage all parish activities with a user-friendly accounting package; all wrapped in a simple interface that supports multiple users and volunteers of all skill level!

It has the tool for complete parish management in a system that is customizable to meet the individual needs of every parish.

      2500 Townsgate Road, Unit I          1481S. King Street #150A
      Westlake Village, CA 91361           Honolulu, Hawaii 96814


Equipping the Catholics for sharing the good news to your parishioners!

Call Us Now!


9:00 Breakfast
9:30 -10:30 Presention followed by questions and answers


-How to manage and store your parishioners   Census information
- How to set up automated "no cost" email   communications
- How to take advantage of fully automated   credit card processing of donations
- How to generate mail merge, email merge   and direct mail
- How to manage powerful volunteer   and ministry databases
- How to manage capital campaign programs   and increase donations
- HOW TO USE SOFTWARE TO IMPROVE     PARISHIONERS SUPPORT ...and many   more important topics for your parish.

By Special Invitation:
PHONE NO. (808)949-2811
TOLL FREE (800)800-4769


The Parish Computer System (PCS) helps parishes to easily keep track of finances and accounting sensus dat, scheduling and other important aspects of parish management.

PCS can synchronize parish school data with general parish data. It also launches parish into the  age of new technology with simple to use websites features. The system can be modified according the  unique needs of each parish.

  The Credit Card Module Makes Parishoners Contributions Easy to Manage!

Totally Automated & Recurring Processes
- Automatically process credit   cards contributions
- Enter credit card info and   automatically connects and   process contributions week after   week, month    after month.
Assign and Tracks Each Unique Contributions
- Setup unlimited number of recurring charges per Member for   Sunday.Capital Campaign, Christmas, etc....
Process One Time Credit Donations
- Process Ad Hoc Single (one-time) transactions.
- Great for 1-time donations.
Complete Management Control
- Automaticall records everything into Parish database.

- Fully Automated "closed loop" processing - processes charge,   maintains log, post amount back to Member donation file.
Easy to Assign Manual Credit Card Donation Commitments
- Define number of authorized 52 for weekly Sunday   contributions - for 1 year.
- Software does the rest and alerts parish when contribution     commitments ends.
Complete Management Reports
- Financial / Audit Reports. Generate all reports.


Larry McGovern is the president of OmniData, a Microsoft Solution Provider and Software Developer that specializes in catholic parish and school management software and IT support. With over 30 years of mainframe and PC software programming experience, Mr.McGovern's career included projects with organizations such as NASA. He is a dedicated parishioner of St Jude parish, Westlake Village CA and has implemented extensively parish management software in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, San Diego , Santa Barbara and Honolulu. Mr. McGovern frequently consults with all levels of the Catholic Church on the diocesan level, regional Bishops offices, seminaries, parishes, high schools, elementary schools and other catholic parish organizations.
At the request of His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles, OmniData has developed a comprehensive software program for parishes knows as PARISH COMPUTER SYSTEM. OmniData's PCS web publishing technology also provides catholic parishes and schools the ability to publish information to the web directly from an MS Access Database. OmniData has used this technology to help parishes make available to parishioners and parish school families, information direct from their databases. Among the many new features, the new credit card module to facilitate credit card donations and email module for email communications was recently launched.