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Let's face it, not everyone gets along perfectly. To be successful in your work, you at least need the respect and support of others-your customers, suppliers, coworkers and management. But sometimes, despite your best efforts to win their support, bad habits creep into your daily work life and drive others crazy. Here are ten surefire ways to make sure your efforts to win their support don’t backfire. If any sound familiar, you could be leaving your coworkers fuming.

1.) Is it always all about you?
Are you preoccupied with your own career path and looking good at the expense of others? Do you put others down while you pump yourself up? Instead, conduct yourself in such a way that other people will want to see you succeed-- let their genuine support and admiration of who you are pull you to success.

2.) Answering cell phone calls during meetings.
A surefire way to aggravate people is to consistently respond to calls, emails and pagers when in conversation with others. This sends a message that they are less important than the caller. Let the calls go and return them when your current conversation is over. If you are expecting an urgent call, alert those present. They will appreciate that you value their time and that you stay focused on matters at hand.

3.) Sending voicemails that go on and on and on.
At the end of a voice message, replay it and hear how you sound. Difficulty in getting to the point? Just like giving a speech - state your objective or main message first and follow it with brief, supporting sub-points. Some people prefer voicemail, some email - each workplace has its own expectations.

4.) Acting like a bureaucrat.
Do you drag out turnaround times and play control games? Do you create obstacles or barriers for others to do their work? Making mountains out of molehills is another surefire way to alienate people. Teach people how to navigate your organization efficiently, knowing when to stick with the rules and when to break them.

5.) Reading the newspaper or hammer on your laptop during training sessions or meetings.
Yes, there are way too many meetings and you’ve got more important things to do. Yet doing non-relevant tasks when there is a set agenda sends a clear message that this event or these people are unimportant to you. Instead, be fully focused - chances are if you completely engage, you will make important contributions while you show you are a committed team player.

6.) "I’m like, ya know . . ."
You are your words-even more so in virtual relationships. You may be communicating with people worldwide who know you only by the sound of your voice or the tone of your emails. Become conscious of how you use language and stop communicating in ways that cause you to sound inexperienced or unprofessional. Ask those you trust and respect for feedback.

7.) Doing your bills at the office.
Whether you are paying your bills, planning your wedding, or placing an online order for a special gift, avoid doing them on office time. People understand short personal calls and respect emergencies, but they don’t appreciate seeing you get paid to manage your life.

8.) Skirting around the dress code.
Ask ten companies to define business casual and you have ten different definitions. Dressing for work has never been more complicated - especially if you work at multiple locations. Prioritize matching your customer’s dress code and if visiting more than one on a given day and the codes conflict, go for a classic, neutral look and be prepared to flex - adding or losing a jacket or tie between locations.

9.) Taking it too easy on telecommute days.
Run a few errands and throw in a load of laundry? Hey, you’re a hard worker and deserve work-life balance. Telecommuting can be a tremendous win-win but if you stretch it to its limits, you may blow the policy for yourself and others. Meet your deadlines, be readily available during business hours, and do great work -- skip the temptation to make it appear like you are working but you’re really not.

10.) Acting unethically.
Make sure you are clear on your organization’s ethics policies and have the courage and conviction to uphold them. It’s easy to draw the line on major violations but watch for the subtle ways you may be pulling others in the wrong direction to achieve goals-massaging numbers or data, violating copyright, or providing misleading information. Raise the ethics bar high and hold yourself and others to it

10 Tips for Getting It Done When You NEVER Have Enough Time

Do you never seem to have enough time — just can’t find enough hours in the day to get it all done?

You’re not alone! Most professionals occasionally feel overwhelmed with the hectic lives they lead. But if you find yourself continually stressed out because you’re swamped at work and snowed under at home, it’s time to take stock of what’s going wrong.

Typical Reasons Things Don’t Get Done:

1. We procrastinate.
2. We get distracted.
3. We can’t say no.
4. We don’t delegate.
5. We’re perfectionists.
6. We take on too many commitments at once.

Regardless of why you aren’t getting things done, don’t let circumstances dictate what happens to your precious time. Here are 10 proven ways to regain control of your time and get things done, both at work and at home.

10 Proven Ways to Get It Done

1.) Just say no.
The word “no” is a powerful time-saver! Saying “yes” all the time doesn’t guarantee career advancement or popularity. It may, in fact, get you labeled as a doormat. Practice saying “no” in a friendly but matter-of-fact fashion, without overexplaining. Remember, you can always say “no” to assuming total responsibility while still offering to help in a smaller, specific way.

2.) Learn to delegate.
When you delegate, you instantly increase time you have available — and you help others learn new skills. First, determine who is most capable of the task. Then thoroughly explain the job, your expectations, deadlines and how you’ll monitor progress. Put these points in writing for the person. Then ask him or her to summarize the assignment, so you’ll know you’ve clearly communicated what's been delegated.

3.) Schedule major projects.
If you have a number of major projects gathering dust because you’re going to do them when you “find time,” stop waiting and start scheduling. Most busy professionals never find spare time, so if you really want to get a project done, set a start date and a deadline. Then map out the steps you’ll need to do to complete the project and stick to your timetable.

4.) Do first the thing you like least.
This is an excellent timesaving habit to get into. Most of us waste far too much time and energy thinking about dreaded tasks rather than actually doing them. Get the most disliked jobs out of the way first, and you’ll get a great sense of accomplishment. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the day, knowing your worst task is out of the way.

5.) Avoid procrastination.
Procrastination is Enemy No. 1 if you’re serious about getting things done. When you delay doing what needs to be done, you end up working “under the gun,” which means the project won’t get your best effort. Procrastination is a bad habit that can sabotage your career success and damage your personal relationships. If you frequently procrastinate, take a hard look at why you’re choosing this negative behavior.

6.) Maintain a master calendar.
Keep track of plans for the entire family on a master calendar, and be sure to include any overtime or business travel you’re scheduled for. Make sure the kids alert you whenever they add something to it. The minute you arrive at work, transfer into your planner the dates and times of personal commitments such as school conferences, a child’s doctor appointment or transportation needs that will occur during your work day or right after work.

7.) Use lists.
Most people who manage their time effectively rely on lists as organizational tools, research shows. List every step of a project, and you won’t have to redo it because you forgot a crucial step. Make a grocery list, and you won’t have run to the store a second time for forgotten items. Use daily, weekly and monthly lists, rather than making a huge list you’ll never finish.

8.) Recognize distractions and eliminate them.
Distractions come in a zillion forms — from chatty coworkers to a TV at home that’s never turned off. But all distractions keep you from the task at hand. Understand the real issue: You’re allowing yourself to avoid a task by giving in to distractions. Identify major distractions and eliminate those you can. Then the next time you’re tempted by a distraction, STOP and focus on your priorities.

9.) Don’t overcommit yourself.
Getting overcommitted is a huge time trap. If this is a frequent problem, either you haven’t learned to say “No,” or you aren’t accurately estimating how long it will take you to complete certain tasks. Overscheduling yourself and your family adds unwanted stress to your life, so always check your master calendar before you agree to do ANYTHING more.

10.) Avoid perfectionism.
Perfectionism saps your energy and wastes your time. If you hear yourself saying, “Well, I can’t start this project now because I don’t have time to do it right,” or find yourself redoing something because “it’s not perfect,” then recognize you’re allowing your perfectionism to steal your time. Many tasks we do are noncritical, so let “good enough” be good enough and move on.

When you’re overwhelmed, stressed out and frustrated because you’ve ALWAYS got too much to do, stop and figure out why. Then devise a plan to change the situation, and take charge of your time — and your life!

PCS Events Seminar
Advantages of PCS

PCS is a cuztomization of Microsoft Office that can be upgraded easily.People at all different skill levels can use it effectively.
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